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Full Body Mole Mapping (Total Body Photography)

Serial Digital Dermoscopic Imaging

A COMPLETE Mole Map is a more thorough skin check, with close-up photos of particular moles which warrant monitoring. Mole Mapping is recommended for people with 5+ moles, as well as a personal or family history of melanoma. If you are not sure whether you would benefit from a Mole Map, we would recommend booking a Mole Map first so we have baseline body shots of you. The staff at the clinic can then advise you accordingly, depending on your Mole Map findings.


At COMPLETE Skin Cancer Clinics, we are proud to be using the most advanced melanoma detection technology in Australia, Fotofinder.

Focusing on skin with cutting-edge technology, the FotoFinder is the global epitome of cutting-edge skin visualization technology. Whether early skin cancer detection, hair diagnostics, aesthetics, clinical dermatology or research, FotoFinder Systems stands for the sharpest images and unconditional reliability.

Just like a skin check, the examination requires the melanographer to check you from head to toe so we would again advise to have no makeup, fake tan or nail polish at the time of the appointment.

An annual Mole Mapping usually takes 45mins, depending on the number of moles, individual’s skin type and condition.

You do not need a GP referral to have a Mole Map - you can just book your appointment either by phone or drop by the clinic and have a chat with our friendly receptionists.

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